Provides you the most effective and economical solutions for whiter and brighter teeth without pain, sensitivity and mineral loss ...

What is Biowhiten Teeth Whitening System?
Besides its whitening property without demineralization with Alkaline-Hydrogen Peroxide (a-HP), Biowhiten system remineralizes dental enamel with natural methods with its Nano-Hydroxyapatite (n-HAp) content that is bio-compatible and fills dentin tubules and micro fractures. With its special effective dual formulation, it is a biocompatible whitening system with a powerful restoring effect without damaging the teeth. It provides the most effective whitening in a single session with the whitening protocol suitable for sensitive teeth. It is also called biological bleaching protocol since it provides natural maintenance for teeth during whitening process as it contains biocompatible Nano-Hydroxyapatite.
BioWhiten = Biological Teeth Whitening
With BioWhiten;
• You can obtain minimum sensitivity - Maximum 5%. (In other whitening systems, this ratio is more than 50%.)
• Maximum mineral reinforcement – Nano-Hydroxyapatite is the building block of the teeth.
• Minimum demineralization – Whitens without abrasion.
• Minimum dehydration – Provides natural white color since it does not cause any loss of water.
• You can obtain Alkaline-Hydrogen Peroxide & Nano-Hydroxyapatite combination with its new, improved formula
that does not cause demineralization.
BioWhiten ProOffice and ProHome are for professional use only; can be sold to and applied by dentists only. Cannot be applied to individuals under 18. Should be applied by or with the supervision of a dentist.

BioWhiten Advanced Nano Whitening Technology

Whitening with Alkaline- Hydrogen Peroxide (a-HP) – Due to the use of Biowhiten which is composed of dual special mixture, hydrogen peroxide gel becomes less acidic and reacts faster. This allows effective whitening without sensitivity due to low-level and spontaneously active hydrogen peroxide.
Mineral Supplementation with Nano-Hydroxyapatite (n-HAp) – Nano-Hydroxyapatite has similar properties with the hydroxyapatite crystals forming the teeth. By supplementing the teeth with mineral supplementation, it helps to replace lost hydroxyapatite crystals. It provides a white smile by helping whitening without causing mineral loss in teeth and sensitization.

Nano-Hydroxyapatite Effect on Teeth Whitening
Hydroxyapatite is the mineral that comprises 68% of dentin and 97% of tooth enamel. Nano-Hydroxyapatite is a nano-sized biocompatible mineral that can penetrate into our natural hydroxyapatite. While it penetrates deep into the dentine tubules and reduces the sensitivity, it also maintains a complete natural care by holding onto the damaged enamel. Nano-hydroxyapatite not only provides care for teeth but also reduces tooth sensitivity, prevents abrasion during whitening and provides complete protection.
Due to their unique ingredients and the true bio-compatible material, BioWhiten in-Office and Home Type whitening gels differ from other tooth whitening products. BioWhiten = Biological Teeth Whitening
Extensive research and literature have proved that nano-hydroxyapatite provides natural maintenance on the dentine. BioWhiten tooth whitening system does not result in sensitivity and wear with its alkaline hydrogen peroxide formulation while whitening teeth. As a result, unlike other tooth whitening systems, without exposing to abrasion and dehydration, you have the teeth whitening process without creating sensitivity.